Thursday, December 20, 2007
BEST FRIENDS? FOREVER !!WELL, mine is not exactly besties .WELL, WENT TO MINT'S HOUSE YESTERDAYHer room is filled with posters !Well, she loves "BANDS" .Duh .Mint's mother is so... nice .Bake cookies for us!Eeyer . Photo in Mint's H/P!! >_<Hmph .Mint's layout is done ...=_=If I was not there, she die le.SHE HATES HTML .Right, MINT?
(YES!!!)YAY !!'IM SO CORRECT !She only loves games .Diaos .Okay, i'll edit this post later.GOTTOGO !bb
Thursday, December 20, 2007
BEST FRIENDS? FOREVER !!WELL, mine is not exactly besties .WELL, WENT TO MINT'S HOUSE YESTERDAYHer room is filled with posters !Well, she loves "BANDS" .Duh .Mint's mother is so... nice .Bake cookies for us!Eeyer . Photo in Mint's H/P!! >_<Hmph .Mint's layout is done ...=_=If I was not there, she die le.SHE HATES HTML .Right, MINT?
(YES!!!)YAY !!'IM SO CORRECT !She only loves games .Diaos .Okay, i'll edit this post later.GOTTOGO !bb