


Hi. I'm here to share some poetries with you.
A Title
Trying to find a title.
Ideas running through
your head
Yet none fit.

It must be perfect,
Nothing else will do.
It must be descriptive,
It must JUMP out,
It must tell what it's all about.

A title is what you need,
To complete the poem.

A title.
Ok, now I am thinking of Titles.
Btw, if you look at my skin again, I changed it to V8 again : I'm Dead.
My English sucks.
My Maths rules.
My Chinese sucks.
My Science rules.
I hate being critised.
I hate it.
A little bit of things
Makes me SO frustrated.
I hate it a lot
So please stop.
I wanna be free
From never ending spree.
I wonder what's the point
If I just live?
I may be crying
Right now, dying.
What do you know?
You won't know what am I thinking
Maybe commit suicide?
No way.
My mind isn't like that.
I'm insane, also sane.
I might be mad, but sometimes
I hope I could pass my PSLE.
I hope whatever I do
Makes sense
Makes it fabulous
Fabulous is it
I don't care what is it.
I wanted to show
I wanna pissed
someone off my knees.
Quit stepping on it.
Quit stirring an alarm.
Maybe it's unfair
I don't care.
This Lair,
I hate lots.
Hols and hols.
I hate it lots.
And reading plots
I wanna have freedom
Freedom, please.
I wanna fly
Up to the sky
Where time never dies.

I wonder who am I.
Why would I need to do this?
--- (C) FishFries aka Ann/Annie ---
I'm selling printings.
Well, sorta.
I wonder what's my Cl marks.
I gotta go, buaiiz.